It's been a week since the 2nd semester started. Frankly, 2nd semester is not bad so far. Not many pressure to handle and the subjects are easy. But I know, this is just the beginning and there will be more tough topics to come. In the 1st semester, I skipped too many classes and hardly managed to attend all the class in a week. But in the 1st week of 2nd semester, I skipped only one lecture and I had no intention to skip the class. I fall asleep before going to the class and only woke up before the next class started. So, I think I've changed a little and becoming a good students unlike in the 1st semester. Heheh.
There's a thing that is making me nervous right now. The result of 1st semester Final Exam will be coming out on this 25th of November. I don't expect or target to get an excellent result but hopefully it will be good enough for me to continue the 2nd semester. 3.0 and above would be nice and I would be really thankful for that.
Think before you speak.
14 years ago