

I wish I could satisfy everyone needs and be happy at the same time. But I can't because everyone has their own dark sides or flaws, and so do I. Sometimes we can't keep our dark sides to ourselves only, not because we want to show them to the world. But the thing is, they just slip from our hands and went out of control. I would never mean to hurt anyone's feelings, never in my life. I always try my best to keep everyone around me happy but I hope that people will keep me happy too. I can't keep everyone happy all the time and let myself unhappy. I think I'm tired of thinking about others but they just don't want to think and understand what I'm going through. I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart if there was the time where I've done wrong and made you people unhappy or life miserable. All I'm asking from you is to forgive me and try to accept that as my flaws. I can't be perfect but I will try to improve myself from time to time :)

1 comment:

  1. weit...
    ko bwk laptop ker??
    siap bleh nak update lg...
    chayok r ko...

    cmner gmbang ok??
    aku kat sini agak bz r...
    ni pun aku on9 dlm beg still berlembang keje...
    ngn esk ada kuiz lg...
    redah je r...

    aku x nak msj ko,
    tkut kaco study...

    ada masa nnt kita jmpe..
