
You know I love you so

Finally, I got my own laptop for the first time ever in my live! (fuhh so semangat, orang lain pon ada jugak laptop sendiri kan) Please envy me. Haha. No lah, sorry if I'm being too cocky about it but I just feel so excited to own one. Dah la ada webcam, sound system plak power. Terbaikkk la kan. Hehehe. Thanks to Encik Ali, that is my dad for providing me this laptop. Well he said this laptop is the present for my SPM result and also because I've been offered into UIAM. Yeah, I got an offer to pursue my study at UIAM in Foundation of Engineering. That was the happy news when I woke up from sleep today. But I haven't decide yet whether I'm going to the UIAM or Matriculation. Well for Matriculation, I've been offered into Pahang Matriculation College. Dekat je kan haha. I might consider going to UIAM because the course they offer to me is too good to turn down. But there are some reasons why I'm not really interested going there. If I'm going to UIAM, I have to learn Bahasa Arab! Then, after I finish my foundation there I have to pursue my degree there too. Hmm it's not that I don't want to take my degree in UIAM but the course that I want is not available there. I want to pursue my degeree in Aeronautical Engineering but then UIAM do not offer that course. Now it is all about the future. I need to make a correct decision so I won't regret it later. And now I have to think deep, choose wisely and decide quickly.

But in the meantime, I want to explore my laptop first. Nak sayang-sayang dengan laptop. Hehehe. Thanks again to my dad :D

*Shitzz, my right arm is damn sakit la. Salah tido la ni, tak pon kuat sangat exercise. Hahaha


  1. Salam bro. There is aerospace engineering offered in IIUM gombak campus. the foundation is for the beginners only. wish u all the best
