

I wish I could satisfy everyone needs and be happy at the same time. But I can't because everyone has their own dark sides or flaws, and so do I. Sometimes we can't keep our dark sides to ourselves only, not because we want to show them to the world. But the thing is, they just slip from our hands and went out of control. I would never mean to hurt anyone's feelings, never in my life. I always try my best to keep everyone around me happy but I hope that people will keep me happy too. I can't keep everyone happy all the time and let myself unhappy. I think I'm tired of thinking about others but they just don't want to think and understand what I'm going through. I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart if there was the time where I've done wrong and made you people unhappy or life miserable. All I'm asking from you is to forgive me and try to accept that as my flaws. I can't be perfect but I will try to improve myself from time to time :)


You shine my life

It's 16 of May, so Happy Teachers Day to all teachers, especially to all my teachers. Thank you a lot for the lessons that you gave and for making me a better student or person. All of you will always be remembered until the last breath and I will never forget the sacrifice that you had for me. I ♥ My Teachers!
*Happy Teachers Day to my mom and my brother too. And to mom, get well soon okayy :)


Favorite worst nightmare

Okay, stay calm! Take a deeeeep breath. Nothing happened and going to happen. Think positive +++++++

Home Sweet Home

I've just came back from Matriculation for a short weekend break and will going back to Matriculation on Sunday. Just want to tell you that. I'll blog another post later to tell what I've been gone through and experienced in KMPh . But right now, I want to get some rest first HEHE


A Night To Remember

Just came back from TC, had a class party. The party was a blast and memorable one with the big laughs just like we always had in class. We never change, do we? Haha. I am really gonna miss all of you guys. This party is like the farewell party for us because we are gonna pursue our studies and will be seeing each other less after this.

Well, this is quite a short post. I need a rest because tomorrow I'm having a doa selamat and need to pack my things for Matriculation. I didn't pack anything at all yet so bye :)


It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Starting from next week :

No more waking up at noon or after-noon
No more go to bed after subuh
No more online from waking up from sleep until fall asleep
No more room with comfortable bed and air-cond
No more clean toilet
No more hanging out with friends until late night
No more futsal
No more breakfast with loved ones
No more driving like a speed demon
No more eating my mom's delicious food
No more living in a town


More study
More new friends
More books
More missing home and friends
More on my own
More pressure

Sometimes you have to go through some changes and face more challenging things in life. But it's part of life and that will help to make you a better person.

I'm leaving this Monday to pursue my studies in Pahang Matriculation College. Wish me luck and hopefully I can cope with all the new challenges and pressure.
Take care to all my friends and loved ones. I'll be missing you guys, seriously.


Time will heal us back, hopefully

Haih 2 hari ni mcm busy and penat la. Semua pasal nak masuk Matriks next week la ni. Borang dah la baru amik kat Matriks smlm. Sepatutnya dah sampai 2 minggu lepas tapi ntah mcm mana bleh silap alamat tak sampai plak. So, smlm terpaksa la aku pegi Matriks kat Gambang tgh hutan sana tu amik borang, nasib baik ada kat situ. Borang plak banyak gila benda nak kena isi and photostat. Lepas tu, serabut dengan isi borang Yayasan Pahang sbb nak amik duit RM500 utk bantuan blaja. Smlm pon sempat nak amik borang.

Harini dah aku tak larat nak bgn awal pagi settle semua benda. Penat gila kot, sbb kelmarin aku tido 2 jam je. So tengah hari baru buat. Tu pon sempat buka account Bank Rakyat dgn amik sign Penghulu je utk borang Yayasan Pahang. Malam ni nak main futsal plak kul 12 lepas tu kul 2.30 nak tgk Arsenal lwn Man U. Hopefully Arsenal menang dan aku tak tertido time tgk nnt.

Tapi esok nak bangun pagi jgk sbb dah janji dengan Alep nak pegi Yayasan Pahang settle and amik duit terus. Tatau la aku larat ke tak bangun, jangan jadi mcm pagi td dah la. Next, kena pegi AEON Insurance nak bayar motor sbb kalau tak bayar tak bleh nak renew road tax motor. Menggelabah je padahal baru sebulan tak bayar, sibuk nak block tanak kasi amik road tax. Tapi terpaksa la sbb nnt dah masuk Matriks mmg tade masa dah la nak buat. So kena la settle kan this week jugak. Kul 12 tgh hari esok nak main futsal lagi ngan bebudak skola. Yela, lepas ni semua dah nak pegi blaja, tak sempat dah nak jumpa, lepak ngan gelak mcm org gila selalu. Shit mesti rindu korang semua la! Then kalau still larat dan tak mati kepenatan, nak pegi Megamall plak jumpa Jeega. Aku nak masuk Matriks hari isnin, dia khamis nak pegi KL so risau tak sempat la nak jumpa kan. Mmg sedih la kalau tak sempat jumpa sblom masuk blaja. Mmg pack kan jadual aku 2-3 hari ni, hopefully aku dapat la bertahan. Hahaha. Dah la tgh serabut jgk pasal offer UIA ni. Mcm best je dia punya offer, so kira mmg pening la nak kena buat choice either masuk Matriks ke pegi Foundation Engineering kat UIA.

Haih buat apa la aku tulis semua benda ni kat sini kan, sibuk je kasitau kat orang. Macam orang kisah pon, lagi ckp aku mengada ada la. Tapi biarlah, aku tgh stress la so ni mcm cara aku nak lepaskan stress, kot. Saja je type dalam Bahasa Melayu, laju sket nak siap. Hahaha. Hmm tu je lah aku nak blog, nak pegi tido and rest kejap sblom pegi futsal.


Here it comes again

The feeling comes again. Haih I don't know why it keeps coming and then fades away back. Currently, I've lost my interest on football and futsal again. It is like I don't have the spirit to play it anymore. I've been playing badly these past few days. What's wrong is with me? Am I turning into a gay or something? If I'm turning into a gay, I wanna be like that American Idol famous gay-guy, Adam Lambert lah. Perempuan pon ramai suka kan Hahaha bodoh, tade kerja la aku ni



My hair is too serabut and tebal, I need a haircut.
My beard is growing longer, I need to shave my face.
My face is getting darker, I need to stay indoors frequently.

Or else, I would look like a completely messed-up guy.
No more pretty boy. Bleghh -_-

You know I love you so

Finally, I got my own laptop for the first time ever in my live! (fuhh so semangat, orang lain pon ada jugak laptop sendiri kan) Please envy me. Haha. No lah, sorry if I'm being too cocky about it but I just feel so excited to own one. Dah la ada webcam, sound system plak power. Terbaikkk la kan. Hehehe. Thanks to Encik Ali, that is my dad for providing me this laptop. Well he said this laptop is the present for my SPM result and also because I've been offered into UIAM. Yeah, I got an offer to pursue my study at UIAM in Foundation of Engineering. That was the happy news when I woke up from sleep today. But I haven't decide yet whether I'm going to the UIAM or Matriculation. Well for Matriculation, I've been offered into Pahang Matriculation College. Dekat je kan haha. I might consider going to UIAM because the course they offer to me is too good to turn down. But there are some reasons why I'm not really interested going there. If I'm going to UIAM, I have to learn Bahasa Arab! Then, after I finish my foundation there I have to pursue my degree there too. Hmm it's not that I don't want to take my degree in UIAM but the course that I want is not available there. I want to pursue my degeree in Aeronautical Engineering but then UIAM do not offer that course. Now it is all about the future. I need to make a correct decision so I won't regret it later. And now I have to think deep, choose wisely and decide quickly.

But in the meantime, I want to explore my laptop first. Nak sayang-sayang dengan laptop. Hehehe. Thanks again to my dad :D

*Shitzz, my right arm is damn sakit la. Salah tido la ni, tak pon kuat sangat exercise. Hahaha